Cheats in Bolsheviktion 3D

Cheats can only be enabled under the following conditions:

Available Cheats

Cheat Code Description
pbdqd Invincibility
pbclip No clipping (walk through walls)
pbinvis Invisibility (enemies won't react to the player)
pbkfa All keys, 99 ammo, and all guns
pbitem# Gives the player an item. Replace # with a number to specify the item:
  • 1: Ammo (+5 ammo)
  • 2: Medkit (+25 health)
  • 3: Invincibility Powerup
  • 4: Invisibility Powerup
  • 5: Extra Life
  • 6: Treasure - Imperial crown
  • 7: Adds the next missing Royal Treasure
pbdt Reveal the entire map
pbclev# Warp directly to a specific level. Replace # with a number (0-9)
pbcossack Infinite ammo

Use these cheats wisely, and remember: they are meant for fun and experimentation, but the BOLSHEVIKTOR! difficulty is for true challengers, where no cheats are allowed.